Feeling as if you are locked away - stuck in an endless cycle of sameness - computer, breakfast, studio, computer, lunch, studio, dinner computer (or whatever your work day looks like). Days out are to meetings, group activities and maybe meeting family obligations (all of which can be pleasant)and grocery shopping. And don't forget household duties. What has happened to real downtime - no obligation downtime - enjoy some freedom downtime? We all need to step out of our self-imposed box at times - yeah, ok, jump enthusiastically out of the box if you can find the energy. Do something different - something random - something unplanned. Make a spur of the moment decision to throw the plans aside and revel in some time for yourself with no pressure to be productive, creative or even busy. Sometimes just shedding the barrier of restrictions you place around yourself can be relaxing and refreshing. Release yourself from obligations and responsibilities for a short time and do something for yourself - something you enjoy - something that invigorates you - something that renews your passion for life. I don't mean to just go and smell the roses for a paltry hour although we should have that as part of our routine. I mean dump the routine entirely for several unplanned hours or preferably a whole day. Don't dig your rut so deep that you cannot climb out of it. A simple change in routine can work wonders - stimulate creativity, re-set your attitude, reinforce your uniqueness and reconnect you with your emotions. Today (Monday), I started off as usual - a quick check of my phone and computer then breakfast. Writing my blog was first and foremost on my mind although I hadn't settled on a topic. I also wanted to get some more work done on a couple of paintings. I took my breakfast out to the studio in the hope that it would inspire a decision on my blog topic. At the very least, I thought I would be inspired to get the blog done so I could get cracking on my paintings. Barely had I demolished the first mouthful of porridge, when seemingly out of nowhere, I made a snap decision to pack my backpack and enjoy a walk to the Boyne River. At the river I would relax and do some sketching. It was a beautiful day with warm sun and chill breeze - just the way I like it. While still eating my brekky, I gathered some sketching gear, water, a few biscuits (for morning tea), my little 3 corner folding stool, camera and a few other odds and sods. I changed into appropriate clothes and shoes for walking and suddenly remembered my coffee, which by then was half cold. The coffee went down quickly and I was ready to leave without any further thought to blog or artwork. The river is roughly a couple of kilometres away. It is a pleasant walk along a narrow, winding, dirt road. Normally, finches and other grass birds flit among the roadside grasses. This time, however, the grasses were dry and grey from recent frosts and the little birds were nowhere to be seen. Still, it was a lovely invigorating walk in the sunshine and chill breeze. Down at the river I made myself comfortable on the remaining section of the old wooden bridge (the rest of the bridge was partially washed away by floods - it was unsafe and removed by council). I took some photos then worked on a drawing until a man came down and chatted for awhile. After he left I ate my bikkies and did a bit more drawing before packing up and heading back home for lunch. A friend had asked me to come for a cuppa. After lunch I headed around the corner to her place and we chatted the afternoon away. Feeling completely relaxed, I returned home and put another coat of gloss medium on a re-worked, acrylic painting and then prepared dinner. During my walk to the river a topic for my blog manifested itself - not one of the original ideas I had been struggling to decide on. After dinner, I made a start on the blog but it was slow going as I dug deep into my mind to find the words to express myself - and I was distracted by a couple of programs on TV. Once I had watched the programs, I was full steam ahead with the blog. Last Light, acrylic on canvas, 120 x 40cm. As per my usual habit I popped a couple of my phrases into Google to check that I was writing something a bit different to stuff already out there. One of the phrases (that I didn't keep) 'escape the imprisonment of routine' took me to writings about prison, prison rules, escaping prison and not much else. The other phrase 'endless cycle of sameness' which I thought was my own original take on describing daily routines was - well - not original at all. It was everywhere - a very common phrase indeed. I decided to keep it as I guess many people can relate to it. None of the writings, that I found, tackled the subject in the same way I had, although there were many commonalities but that was to be expected. No doubt, if I looked further I would find essays reflecting the same sentiments as mine. Getting ourselves into a rut is nothing new and much has been written over time about the need to vary our routines. It is important to our mental well being to lift ourselves out of the ruts of life - to revitalise ourselves, refresh, relax and be reinvigorated. Routine is good for keeping our life in order but only up to a point. Beyond that it quells creativity and crushes enjoyment of life. Unlace your corsets, step out of your routine for a day and enjoy yourselves! Until next time Anne. Psst: Don't forget to sign up for my newsletter - in the footer below.
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Anne HuthI have had a lifetime passion for drawing and painting. Realistic with an impressionistic touch is an apt description for my work. Archives
August 2019
Previous Blogs
Diary of a tired artist continued 3/7/2018
Blogging and other distractions! 02/06/2018
Who or what is your muse? 27/05/2018
Burntout? Lost the plot? Gripped by mental fatigue? 20/05/2018 Do you market your artwork online? 13/05/2018 Working towards my first workshop presentation. 03/05/2018 Do you want to draw but don't have any art materials? 28/04/2018 Drawing from photos versus drawing on location. 21/04/2018 Something different - Games of War - a project addressing war games & PTSD. 17/04/2018 A bit more about my drawings. 08/04/2018 Write a blog they say! |